So ya. I’m doing this. I’m a Musical Theater Mom.
What possesses someone to write a blog? About being a musical theater mom, no less?
Is there an inherent need to speak and be heard?
Perhaps. But I generally don’t give a flying fart what anyone thinks of me.
Do I need to be understood? Meh. I think I stopped caring after 50.
Do I want to call attention to my kid? Well duh… but I don’t need to waste my time blogging. I’ll just post more proud-mom videos on Facebook. I’m already completely annoying over there.
I think my final decision to create another one of these massive time-suck endeavors was to help out my fellow musical theater moms. We are the strong, the mighty, the always-annoying class of stage mom that’s lurking in every line at the super market and every airplane middle seat, either right next to her MT kid, or traveling to visit said kid. I warn you… beware. Chances are really good, even if she’s sitting next to her kid who is germ-mask-sealed and on vocal rest in prep for tomorrow’s audition, she’s essentially alone on the flight. And this mom is rabidly eager to chat you up. And she’s got hours of video to bore you to tears—I mean, entertain you.
Don’t get me wrong. I love my fellow musical theater moms. We all share the same desire for our crazy kids to follow their passion. And we all hope that somehow they’re able to make a living doing that thing they love to do. While at the same time we know we’ll always keep their rooms ready for them to come home during those “lean times” that may be coming.
We support our kids, because that’s what moms do. Above all else we want to know our babies are happy. That’s why when they tell us they want to major in musical theater, we say, “Great!” while wondering if there shouldn’t be a back up plan, perhaps a double major? But then again, I’ve been supporting this thing since she was the engaging little five-year old poppy, laughing her ass off behind the terminally sleepy Dorothy. Acting chops from day one, I tell ya. Fortunately we’ve seen improvement, so the phrase, “back up plan” doesn’t cross my mind much any more.
I can tell you, as a musical theater mom, I am not even half way through the hell that is the granddaddy of all senior years. Athletes and scholars have got nothing on the MT kids. I’m finding that “enjoying senior year” isn’t really an option for our serious aspiring MT majors. Noooooo sir. These kids start chipping away at the hell that is the college application process the middle of junior year… some even before. The college application process for an musical theater major is like nothing I’ve ever seen. Straight up crazy. I have a hot tip for the manufacturer of xanax or hard alcohol. Y’all should sponsor the MT college app process. We are a solid target market right here.
I had no idea what to expect when I started this journey. It’s been one hell of a learning experience. I think that’s why I feel compelled to sit here and blather on. Somehow I want to help my friends who are going to jump into this barrel of batshit crazy in the coming years. I wish I’d known a lot of what I do now over a year ago.
Either way, my kid will be fine. That adorable giggling poppy has grown into a tough little ass kicker. The college app cards will fall as they may. All things happen for a reason. We will get through this. And hopefully for every time I trip over a hurdle and curse the universe, it becomes a learning experience for us both. I can scream, “F*!@ you, universe!” And you can secretly rejoice that you don’t have to make this musical theater mom’s mistakes.
You’re welcome.
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