One Musical Theatre Mom in an Endless Sea of Many

bat shit crazy

How Can they Think About Leaving After all This?

How Can they Think About Leaving After all This?

My kid has some big dreams. I’ve know this for quite some time. Had she been the kind of girl who just sat back and expected things to happen for her, I’m not sure I would have been as supportive. But this kid is a […]

And Like That, Audition Season is Over

And Like That, Audition Season is Over

OMG we. are. done. It’s been three months of my brain exploding with details, trying to be sure we’ve got all our ducks in a row for every audition… how many headshots/resumes do we need, do they want a 16- or 32- cut of the ballad […]

College Applications: Budgets and Ball Busters

College Applications: Budgets and Ball Busters

At the moment my family is prepping for the granddaddy of “lean times.” Yes, I’m talking about the college years. For any MT mom who has gone through the college applications process, you know. Send wine and all your leftover Xanax. Because at the moment […]